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The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

Kalany Rosado, Staff Reporter

With Morp fast approaching many people are turning to StuGo with questions of when and what morp is going to be like this year. Morp is the opposite of prom a casual dance where girls ask guys to a night out of fun, food and friends.

This years Morp will be held on March 2, 2019 on a Saturday. The theme being red white and boom! Colorful powders and fireworks should cover the sky above the student parking lot. Tickets are being sold soon in the bookstore.

Plenty of music, night lights and dancing. Now a lot of people say last years morp was not anything special and even disappointing. With broken down bubble machines in the gravel of the parking lot, a less than great DJ and a couple of food trucks, will this years morp be better than the last?

Morp is ran and set up and planned by Stugo a student oriented group that focuses on the school spirit of Perry High School. The year before last year the theme being a night full of colorful clouds of an array of colors and a crowd so lively you can feel the energy through the pictures seen on Stugos website links.

A night many people buzzed about weeks after the dance and memories many will never forget.

Morp encompasses more relaxed attire, where student can wear themed shirts sold by StuGo with purchase of a ticket. This year ticket prices will be twenty five dollars ,which remains the same as previous years.

“Morp could have been a lot better, I didn't find last years morp to be exciting and I know a lot of people who left early, I was honestly so dissapointed but i have hope for this years!” expressed sophomore Tiffany Martinez.

While some students feel that morp is sometimes less then fun other students felt the complete opposite with recalls of only good memories.

“ Morp was pretty fun honestly I danced a lot and saw all my friends having fun but I hope this years morp is indoors because even though the bubbles were fun it was beyond freezing”, Junior Caleb Magel said with a smile.

Now that we know a little bit about the opinions of last years morp hopefully we can have a crazy night of fun, loud music dancing and plenty of new memories for us to hold onto and cherish for the years beyond high school.


All content by Kalany Rosado