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The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

Gavin Brennan

Gavin Brennan, Opinions Editor

Gavin Brennan is a senior in high school who is in his second year of newspaper as an Opinion’s Editor, he will be covering girls and boys golf. He likes to write about his opinions on controversial topics. He spends his free time fishing, studying, and hanging out with friends.

All content by Gavin Brennan
Spikeball is a sport that is rapidly increasing in popularity amidst the pandemic.

Spikeball club makes comeback

Gavin Brennan, Opinions Editor
November 30, 2020
Collegeboard AP logo that describes the type of test and where it is from.

AP returns to in-person testing

Gavin Brennan, Opinions Editor
February 26, 2021
The broken heart candy represents the shattered Valentine's Day image this year.

Pandemic ends Valentine’s Day

Gavin Brennan, Opinions Editor
February 11, 2021
Golf ball and two tees.

Golf plays through pandemic

Gavin Brennan, Opinion’s Editor
September 21, 2020
As graduation encroaches on seniors, caps, gowns, and tassels have been purchased and are ready to descend upon the football field on May 29.

Plans for spring graduation

Gavin Brennan, Staff Reporter
April 12, 2020
Our take

Our take

Gavin Brennan, Staff Reporter
February 11, 2020
Female coaches are national reality

Female coaches are national reality

Gavin Brennan, Staff Reporter
February 6, 2020
Pumas Excalibur Tournament

Pumas Excalibur Tournament

Gavin Brennan, Staff Reporter
January 16, 2020

Pumas participate in competitive math

Gavin Brennan, Staff Reporter
November 20, 2019

Keeping Students Safe at School

Gavin Brennan, Staff Reporter
August 30, 2019
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