OPINION: After three semesters, cafeteria food has seen little improvement


DC Central Kitchen

Lunch at DC Public Schools on 10/9/12: Local Beef Burger on a Whole Wheat Bun, Roasted Brussel Sprouts, Baked Potato Fries, Cantaloupe Wedge & Milk.

It’s hard to believe that students pay more for less. With foods ranging from low grade, reheated pizza to small, unsatisfactory chicken, logic would dictate that students would pay the bare minimum for the bare minimum. Yet, every day the food quality gets worse while the lunch profits go up.

Going through the district website, I found the web page covered with sugar. The amount of pride the district has for their cafeteria is blinding. “CUSD Nutrition encourages students to start with a fruit or vegetable…better yet take both!” read the district website. The entire web page smelled dedication and thoughtfulness, yet I don’t taste it. I hardly would consider baked fast food with a carton of juice healthy.

When it comes to eating healthy, it simply isn’t as important as finding a quick cheap meal in a short lunch time. Most often than not, many simply grab a slice of pizza and a drink. Many students ignore fruits and vegetables entirely. If a student was smart enough to get a good price on food while eating good quality food that’s healthy, might as well just pack lunch from home.

Although the school lunch has problems, it’s not terrible. The district has the intentions of providing students good healthy foods and they’re making progress. Lunch food is baked and lunch ladies do encourage to grab a fruit with their lunch or a juice. Even with the high prices the school charges for lunch, it’s all to increase the quality of the food.

The more time passes, school lunch profits go up and the food quality goes down. CUSD tries to make food healthier yet they fall short. Lunch food shouldn’t be fast food but instead actual meals one can eat, with enough time to enjoy food. Students can’t continue to eat expensive junk food just for the school can make a profit.