Not even a disability slows down 2013 homecoming king


Marissa Costagliola

Seniors Brittani Sikorski and Chris Hooks learn that they are the 2013 homecoming king and queen.

Chances are every person on the PHS campus has seen senior Chris Hooks. Chances are most students know Chris Hooks. 

Whether from watching him at football games, or seeing him dancing at lunch with StuGo, he has become a familiar, friendly face on campus, who has recently been named homecoming king. Chris had predicted his nomination; he showed his mother a picture of the last homecoming king and told her that would be him. 

Most teenagers think about being high school royalty at some point, but most students are not Chris Hooks. 

Chris was diagnosed with Trisomy 21, commonly know as down syndrome, when his mother, Jimmelle Hooks, was 17 weeks pregnant. 

“Doctors and special lists all said he wouldn’t survive through full term,” Mrs. Hooks said. “But God said differently, blessing us with a larger than life celebrity.” 

Chris has been a celebrity on campus; whether it is in athletics with Unified Sports or his performances in school talent shows- being elected homecoming king was just the icing on the cake. 

When the moment finally came during the football game on Oct. 25 and he was crowned king, his parents relished the moment. 

“We just sat back and watched him take pictures with friends, teachers, cheerleaders, and well-wishers all night long,” Mrs. Hooks said. 

“I was as happy as I could be,” Chris said when his name was announced. 

“It was fulfilling to know that Christopher independently accomplished this memorable moment,” Mrs. Hooks said. 

Chris added: “I was as happy as I could be,” when his name was announced. 

“My husband and I got to share the unforgettable moment with Christopher and a stadium of cheering fans,” Mrs. Hooks said. THis was Chris’ last homecoming as he is preparing to graduate in the spring. 

“He will certainly miss his high school friends,” Mrs. Hooks said. “He is very social.”

Even as his high school career comes to its close, like everyone, he will leave a changed man. “High school has given him many valuable skills, through the leadership of great teachers,” Mrs. Hooks said.