SkillsUSA students winning in different categories


Caryn Butler

Junior Brooklyn Braaten, Senior Savannah Phan, and Senior Caitlin Salanga standing next to their bulletin board design that won gold at the SkillsUSA competition. Their board was about teaching motivation through Pokemon.

SkillsUSA recently entered a competition to demonstrate their skills that they have been working on throughout the year. Caryn Butler the graphic design teacher is the sponsor for this club said “The technical skills are the skills we do all the time, we do a variety of designing brochures, flyers, advertisements…The leadership skills is something we also cover in the class, teaching them how to be good employees, developing their personal skills and workplace skills” about how the club prepares for competitions in their meetings. 

Junior Derek Unger placed 2nd in the employment applications process category. “I was completely shocked… It was just such a surprise especially because I had never even done a job interview before,” Unger said about his feelings on placing. In this category students had to create a resume then go through an interview process. 

Another category was advertising design, in which Caitlin Salanga won gold. In the advertising design category there are many different parts to the competition. First they had to take a test showing their knowledge of graphic design and the SkillsUSA framework. Then they had to submit a resume and recreate a design using specific software to show their knowledge of the software. Then last was the creative part of the competition where they created a brochure based on the information of a company that was given. 

Junior Brooklyn Braaten, Senior Savannah Phan and Salanga all got gold in Bulletin board design for their board on motivation. “We decided to do our board based on Pokemon because most people grew up playing it… and since COVID was so relevant to us we made that our question, now that you are doing online school how do you continue to stay motivated to produce the work you would during online school” said Phan about how they came up with the idea for their board.  

Lastly Phan and Senior Victoria Le both applied to the SkillsUSA scholarship program, and won 1000 dollar scholarships towards college.