Inside from a traveling teacher’s busy day


Holly Olszak

Traveling teacher pushing her lessons on a cart through the hallways

Blending in with a crowd of students during passing period, especially help maneuvering a cart full of several papers around the busy hallway of a multitude of students around can be equally tough for a teacher around. From getting classroom to classroom, it can be equally tough when everyone around you is tall and does not notice.

In the midst of getting ready to move to her next classroom, it was a quick grab and go as one student comes up to math teacher Malayna Gomez to ask for an assignment and she rushing to hand the student one but accidentally grabbing two and letting him keep it to move on to the next classroom, it is the little things that individuals do not notice around them in the hallways just how often some teachers move around just as much as a student.

Traveling teachers are not often seen, but can be noticeable when a full cart being pushed around in the crowded hallway can those teachers be spotted. Being the new teacher, Gomez took on the task of not being in the same classroom twice day to day.

“I’ve never had my own classroom before [but] now I know exactly what I need,” Gomez mentions as moving around from door to door has helped her experience the school further to help benefit and adapt herself into the school better.

“I taught last year but I was sharing a classroom with another teacher,” Gomez mentions as in her previous school she never really had a room to decorate and call her own. It was already halfway through the school year when she took over someone else’s room prior before coming here but never really got the chance to make it the room her own.

“The hardest thing is probably getting class started right away because I’m basically behind the kids,” Gomez says as the students are already first to get to class rather than herself. Time is an issue at times but Gomez overcomes it and makes humor out of it to get through the day, as well as pushing a cart around through her day.

“Sometimes I love it sometimes I hate it because I lose things,” English teacher Vanessa Moreno expresses as moving from room to room keeping everything together after moving around a lot through the day.

“It’s also hard to be consistent sometimes,” Moreno says but is not new stuff after having prior experience to moving around. With a regular routine to get the classroom going.

“I’m happy with it only because I have experience doing it for a teacher last semester,” Moreno mentions as adapting and getting the hang of things eventually grows. It is not as always hectic but keeping track of things while also sharing a classroom can at times be a bit chaotic.

“We have been told that once the new building have been built that there would be less traveling teachers,” Gomez explains,  where the expansion of the new c building will hope to alleviate the number of traveling teachers in the hallways. Principal Dan Serrano has explained that the construction of new c building will provide more classrooms for teachers and will lessen the load of traveling teachers all together. Both Gomez and Moreno have expressed the hopes of moving into the new classrooms of next year.

To the teacher moving around in the crowded hallways to moving from door to door, we move around just as much as some teacher who roam the hallways with us. Even when some said teachers have to yell rarely to move, the struggle is overcome through adaptability, but even when the students might have forgotten a folder in their last hour, a traveling teacher just might have forgotten a lesson in the last one.