Wanderlust Clubs
Many clubs and elective classes on campus plan to take big trips this year.
With club rush coming to an end, students on campus have been joining numerous clubs. A few clubs this year plan on taking big trips out of state such as AVID and DECA. Other elective classes like choir and orchestra are traveling this year as well.
AVID is a program on campus that helps students become prepared for college; they are planning a trip to California this year. “Hopefully, we’re going to go to Disneyland this year,” states Stephanie Robertson, AVID teacher. This trip will only be eligible for seniors. Usually, AVID only goes on field trips to in-state colleges to tour the campuses, but this year they are trying to start a tradition with senior trips.
“It is just a senior trip to celebrate making it through all four years [of highschool] and getting ready for college,” mentions Robertson.
DECA is a marketing and leadership club. According to senior DECA member, Gabby Ybarra, the club is traveling to Orlando, Florida this year.
“That is where our international competition is held and hopefully we will have ten qualifiers this year; we’re hoping to make our national campaigns, that way we can have extra positions and take twenty kids,” mentions Ybarra.
DECA goes to this competition every year.
At this competition the competitors are given business scenarios and they are required to role play as if they are pitching to a CEO or a manager. They are then rated or scored on their performance.
The choir department this year is traveling to Anaheim, California to compete in the World Strides Music Festival. “This a choir tradition, but this year will be the first time that all the choirs go,” states Joe Little, the choir director. “We will perform on one day, and go to Disneyland the next [day],” Little adds. If all goes well, the highest choir is planning a trip to Chicago as well.
Orchestra plans on taking two trips this year, one to Carnegie Hall in New York, and the other to Anaheim, California.
“This is based on audition, thats why we’re so excited to play in New York,” mentions Alex Zheng, the orchestra teacher. “This is a tradition, we travel to California every year, but this will be our first time going to Carnegie,” states Zheng.
Many other clubs and electives plan on traveling this year as well. Cross Country’s going to be racing in San Diego and Newspaper is attending the National High School Journalism Convention in Washington, D.C. It seems as if Puma Nation has been bitten by the travel bug.

Dequota Wilson is senior and this is her first year writing for The Precedent. She is covering the enduring sport Cross Country and the college readiness...