Glendale parties like it’s 1989

Glendale parties like its 1989

Ellie Wendt, Staff Reporter

Lit up bracelets twinkle in sync with the music. People of all ages are dancing, crying or screaming unapologetically; to say the night was magical would be a understatement. On Aug. 17 and 18, Gila River Arena hosted  two flawless nights to remember, pop sensation Taylor Swift’s 1989 World Tour.


A person who had never been to one of Swift’s concerts, could have swore one has  accidentally arrived at a halloween costume party. Dedicated fans left no detail out when they created costumes inspired by song lyrics or music videos, designing homemade signs adorned in lights providing the arena with a magical glow.


Swift’s performance was phenomenal, entertaining the crowd with props and dancers and glittering costumes. Swift’s set leaned heavily on her album 1989. The album was released late October and has sold over 5 million copies in the U.S alone, and her tour grossed at $86 million in revenue this far.

But it’s more than just numbers. Swift always jumps through hoops to make each and every concert personal for her fans.

“Oh hi, Glendale, Arizona. I’m Taylor,” she said after “I Knew You Were Trouble,” the fourth song in the set, came to a close.


Swift is all about the personal touches. She introduced her songs with heartfelt, encouraging speeches touching close to home. One of the most bittersweet moments was her tribute to Arizona native Maya Tompson, the mother of Ronan Tompson, and face behind the child cancer organization Rockstar Ronan. Then she played her song ‘Ronan’ in honor of her family and brought the whole arena to tears in one way or another.


If that’s not enough, Swift also took the time to announce how she had been keeping up with her fans through social media.


Being able to talk to one’s favorite celebrity is, to most teeneagers, only described as an untouchable dream, however that is not always the case in the Taylor Swift fandom. Her fans or “swifties” are constantly surprised with her intriguing and sincere responses on social media to fans relationship problems, funny edits and kind letters.


As the final song came to a close, the crowd erupted in deafening cheers and dancing to the contagious melody of “Shake It Off”.  Fans left with more than two hours of pure entertainment; they left knowing Taylor Swift is a friend. It was as if Swift made it her personal goal to inspire her adoring audience with wisdom, comfort and pure fun.