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The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

Freshman Olivia Warmouth is going on a European cruise over summer break. She has been excitedly waiting for summer break.

Summer break brings fun vacations

Talya Gabay, Staff Reporter May 13, 2022

As temperatures are rising and finals are nearing, students are excitedly waiting for the long awaited summer break. Most students are eager at the thought of no school work and no expectations, in addition...

Cars are parked along each side of the road of Salt River.

How “coronacation” hashtag can be potentially harmful

Isabel Behrendt, Opinions Editor May 3, 2020

In the thick of a pandemic when people worldwide are struggling to understand COVID-19, struggling to receive testing, and struggling to keep themselves and their families safe, we must all step up and...

Trips should be cancelled for overall public safety

Nadine Loureiro, Editor-in-Chief April 12, 2020

    Vacations are an event that everyone looks forward to, whether it be a state away or an entire country away, but in the recent event of the spreading pandemic of COVID-19, these events have been...

Trips should not be cancelled until more information surfaces

Isabel Behrendt, Opinions Editor April 12, 2020

In a world engulfed in uncertainty and turmoil surrounding the recent COVID-19 pandemic, it is fair to say that nothing can be labeled as definite anymore.  Rather, our understanding of this virus...

Standing in front of the famous Rio Statue the "Christ the Redeemer" , Miley Bashford smiles for all to see. She and her family traveled to Brazil for ten weeks during the regular school session.

Bashford family spends 10 weeks in Brazil

Kevin Chadwick, Writer February 10, 2014

Miley Bashford spent ten weeks on the beautiful beaches of Brazil while the rest of school continued daily routines. Her father suggested Brazil as a vacation spot because he served two years on a mission...

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