Unified Flag Football to Have First Game September 3rd


Unified flag football players walking off the field.

An integral part of this school is the special education program. Shara Billings, the special education department chair, boasts  “the special education program at Perry is number one in Arizona.” 

A large part of what makes this program so great is the Unified sports program. This program began in 2011, when the Interscholastic Association (AIA) and Special Olympics Arizona teamed up to create a statewide Unified Sports program, pairing students with intellectual disabilities (athletes) and students without intellectual disabilities (partners) together on sports teams. 

Principal Dan Serrano shares, “I’ve supported that [Unified sports], and that program since day one.” Serrano was a member of the AIA board when the Unified Sports program was created and brought to Perry. While explaining how he takes a special interest in the program, Principal Serrano says “those kids are special to my heart.” 

Abby Kozel, a Senior beginning her fourth year as a partner on the Unified sports team, explains the changes she has seen in the Unified Sports program: “it’s really grown in how many students participate in it.” As more students are becoming involved with Unified sports, the program is able to further develop; Abby excitedly announces the program “even have a cheer team now!” 

Shara Billings finds the Unified sports program to be “the most amazing thing in the world!” The Unified flag football team is the first sport of the year, with the season beginning in August and ending in October. 

The first game of the 2019 season is Tuesday, September 3rd. The game is set to be at Perry, against Chandler, at 6pm.