Story behind hype squad

Picture taken by Annie Brown while the Perry Pumas take on Chandler Wolves at the state final football game.

Whether you are a student or athlete, going to games with a rowdy crowd is something the hype squad can start up.  The hype squad is a well-known club across campus. Originally, the hype squad did not start out as a club on school campus, but as a group on Twitter.  

Students who are mainly seniors host a Twitter page for the Perry Pumas student section, and tell students when the games are, where they are, and what theme to dress up for.

Club sponsor Jennifer. Dominguez stated that, “Hype squad actually started in prior years, it’s been going on through Twitter, but last year group Tommy Howard [who graduated last year] wanted to make it a club on campus… it wasn’t a club until last year.”

The hype squad president, senior Kadin Cramer sits down with his team and the school in August to pick out the themes in advance, and then post the themes onto Twitter where students can check the page to know ahead of the season. The page has nearly 1,500 students, parents, and faulty following them online.   

“It’s kind of hard because we don’t have control over much, we’re just there to make it more fun… like the stuff we wear… the school has control what we do before the games also,” Cramer explained.

The hype squad has a goal to have a fundraiser so they can have bigger events and more things to do. Another goal they have in mind is to improve on getting more students to join them so every sporting event can have a student section. So far, the club has 20 students who attend the meeting.

“It’s a core group of 10-20 which they do a great job but it would be nice to expand to have more kids attend each sport,” Dominguez said.  

 Having a large section of students cheering on our sports can make a huge difference on how athletes play their game. Throughout the years, the athletic program has been improving at a fast moving pace, which means the stands have been filling up like crazy. It’s just like in major league sports, the more you win the bigger the crowds will get and the more people will come and watch the games. This also means the hype squad has more people to cheer along with them during games.

Lately there has been a few comments about how hype squad is not doing as much as in previous years. These students influence other students to have school spirit and if there is none in games or during spirit week then it takes a toll on them. Going to the games all decked out in gear just makes the sports teams go harder in the games.

“I like the hype squad, we work well with them. Our football section has always been good…The players always play better when there’s a big crowd,” Serrano stated.