Traditions not fit for our modern lives


Isabel Behrendt, Staff Reporter

Nothing beats the taste of a home cooked meal, but in a fast-paced world, is that just old-fashioned thinking?

When people picture Thanksgiving, they likely think of the decadent dishes and the unforgettable time spent with all sorts of family members.

However, what they often neglect to notice is the person who slaves over the stove or oven all day preparing various meals.

Perhaps the only person who sees this nightmare is the person who does it.

Think of it this way: Grandma announces she can no longer eat green beans with her new dentures and a “trendy” cousin just announced that she’s been vegan for three hours.

For most families, that was not an exaggerated example, but an annual reality.

Is it possible to truly enjoy a whole day that is supposed to be memorable and overflowing with happiness when bound by four walls, unprepared food, and a starving family?

It’s possible enjoy certain parts of the holiday, but when spending all day cooking, you are often on the sidelines and rarely ever immersed with the day. Conversations will go straight over your head while you are cooking, and if your meal does not exceed the standards of someone in the family, you will likely hear about it.

The feast should be the highlight of the holiday, not a stress-fueled process of accommodation and isolation.

Thankfully, these issues can be solved with a less-traditional approach: going out to eat for Thanksgiving.

Although this concept challenges essentially all Thanksgiving stereotypes, it’s the best decision a family can make to celebrate the holiday.

Millions of restaurants remain open on Thanksgiving and usually have a traditional Thanksgiving menu for those who are craving those seasonal dishes.

Apart from that, the whole family can find something that suits their needs, and won’t be bound to a small house with a huge crowd. Most restaurants are accommodating to families of all sizes, so there is no concern about a lack of space. Because of this, family members can distance themselves from undesirable conversations to prevent a heated fight from erupting at the table. Allison Robicelli from First We Feast describes a Thanksgiving hosted at home by explaining, “You see cornucopias and snowflakes and the impending dissolution of all your familial relationships once dinner conversation turns to Trump.”

When interviewing students, most disagreed and said they would rather eat a home cooked meal. However, the students on the opposite side expressed that they were the people who had to perform the cooking duties.

For almost any family, eating out for Thanksgiving is the most realistic option and will be a meaningful experience.

Don’t let stereotypes supporting tradition withhold the creation of a new tradition for the family.