Studying for finals: tips from teachers


Koen Martineau

Study materials that a students study group could use to better prepare for finals. As the tip from Myers points out, this type of studying can be very effective.

As quarter two comes to an end, students and staff alike are looking forward to winter break. One obstacle remains between them and their beloved break: finals. With winter sports kicking up and the holidays right around the corner, finding time to study is a challenging task. As many have done in years past, it is time to turn to a study infested cram session to try and remember every little detail from every class. Luckily for students with jam-packed schedules, teachers are here to help.

Teachers who teach core subjects, such as math teachers Sarah Aitken and David Plunk have many tips for how to study. “Start studying early, don’t wait until the last minute,” said Aiken. This could help students to utilize their time better, allowing them to have smaller study sessions over a longer period of time. Plunk added, “Use your notes and study guide (if you were given one) to chunk and organize the content that will be assessed… a) I’m solid; b) Need some review; c) MUST practice more.” This study technique allows students to recognize where their knowledge of certain chapters lie. Aiken and Plunk both agreed on the matter of getting good sleep the night before finals, as this will allow students to think clearly during their tests. 

However, students are jam packed with more than just these core classes. With CTE and foreign language credits required to graduate, doing well on these tests can be a high stress factor in students’ lives. To take a load away from this stress, foreign language and CTE teachers have a few tips. Spanish teacher Luis Diaz said that one of his personal tips is to use the vocabulary list provided at the start of each chapter and to study the review. “The review is very similar to what the final will look like,” he explained.

History teacher Jason Myers acknowledges that it can be difficult to study alone. “You should put together a study group,” he said. With a study group, studying becomes much more bearable, even fun. Myers pointed out that having an enjoyable study group and joking around with them can be beneficial. He said, “You might develop some jokes that go along with what you are studying, and then you’ll remember a little bit better.” 

Overall, these tips can allow students to perform to the best of their abilities on their upcoming finals.

  Study Tips

  • Look over old tests and quizzes so you do not make the same mistakes twice
  • Get some rest the night before finals. You will think more clearly if you are not sleep deprived
  • Start early! Give yourself a couple of weeks and review/practice a little bit each day.
  • Use your notes and study guide to chunk and organize the content that will be assessed… a) I’m solid; b) Need some review; c) MUST practice more.
  • Put together a study group
  • Go over the review