Voters to decide CUSD Override

This year, the voters of Chandler, Arizona are going to vote to either approve or not approve the additional maintenance and operations (M&O) funding for the Chandler Unified School District (CUSD). The Chandler Unified School District provides a well-written Frequently Asked form that describes what M&O is and how does it operates. The funding from the M&O is dependent on student enrollment.

The M&O Override is the funding bill, but it is being overridden so the schools can be funded with more money to use for specific purposes. These funds are used to pay the teachers, reduce class size, provide good academic programs, etc.

Chandler has mostly always approved the M&O bill, except for once in 2012 and another time in 2013. On Oct. 10, the early ballots will be mailed to voters, allowing them to say yes or no on the new M&O Override bill. There are three phases in this process and with each phase, the bill will be amended according to the approval ratings they receive from the mailed ballots.

If approved, the bill will give more money fund-wise to schools in CUSD. In Chandler, it will be used to create an appropriate class size, bringing in and keeping good-quality teachers, and providing and extending good programs for athletics, academics, and extracurriculars.