Perry Theatre Company assembles competitive show

PTC, Perry Theater Club, is responsible for putting together a one act show every year to submit for state competition. This year’s one act is a comedic play called “Attention Detention.” Senior Rebecca Amend, PR and media advisor, shared, “It reminds me of The Breakfast Club if it were a Nickelodeon kids’ show.” The one act follows four straight-A students who find themselves in detention one day. Telling elaborate lies to the principal to convince him to let them leave, the play ends with the discovery that the four students were avoiding their bullies all along. 

Each member of PTC has a role, or even two, in the one act, excluding drama club which does not participate in the competition. Despite the usual five weeks they are given to perfect their act, the PTC is working with only two weeks to complete their entire show. “We are like speeding through, blocking it, so we can get to the point where we can just run it over and over again and refine it,” said Amend.

Their first performance of “Attention Detention” is the most crucial part of the competition. Held in the auditorium, their one act will be recorded and submitted to the Arizona State Thespian Festival. If they pass the first stage, they will perform the one act again at the state competition in October. 

Theatre teacher Shawna Marquis selects a few one acts on her own and asks for submissions from the PTC students themselves. There are many libraries on the internet filled with one acts to choose from. Once Marquis finds one she likes, she sends it to admin to receive approval. PTC had some challenges in choosing a one act for this year’s competition, as emotions were mixed on which one act to select. “We just have to work with what we’ve got. We’re trying to make it special through our own efforts.”

Senior Aaron Clark plays an old man named Murray. “I feel like teamwork wise, we are working well. To do a show like this in such a short amount of time, you have to be motivated to do it. We’re doing our best to try to get it done,” said Clark.

Despite working with such a limited amount of time, there have been some positive effects. “With the time crunch, it’s bringing us closer together because we’re all stressed, equally,” said senior Summer Gould, who plays a reporter named Jackie. “Everyone should come watch it and support drama. Everyone is nice, it’s a lot of fun to be a part of.” Perry Theater Club will be performing “Attention Detention” on Sept. 15 at 6:30 p.m.