Dance gears up for the annual performance, this year titled “No Words Necessary” representing their dance

The dance program has been putting in hours of preparation for the upcoming dance concert which is scheduled from Thurs., Nov. 13 to Sat., Nov. 15.

Dance instructor, Fara Sadler, has been preparing and organizing the dance concert, “No Words Necessary”, for weeks and believes all the hard work has definitely paid off.

“All of the kids are really great and have been working really hard,” Sadler said.

Moveo, Advanced Dance, and the improvisation groups will be featured in the show. There are 15 routines that will be performed with an interesting twist to the choreography and concepts.

All music in the concert contains no lyrics, challenging the dancers to connect with the music and put on an even more interesting and different performance.

“The idea behind the concept is we really have to communicate some kind of story,” Sadler said. “With a lot of different props such as a fish tank, a wall, a rope, flower petals…”

“No Words Necessary” dance concert is putting a new a different spin on dance, one Perry has never seen before.

Even dance instructor Sadler stated “I don’t think people will pay five bucks and feel like they didn’t get anything out of it.”