Thrift stores move to social media, how much ur fit
Junior Evan Sideris wears one of Watson’s shirts for the most recent drop. Watson takes photos of her models to post for each drop to showcase her products.
Teenagers no longer walk the aisles of Target in search for the latest trends. Instead they are scrolling through Instagram and SnapChat to find their newest outfit. Junior Eliana Watson found interest in thrifting clothes for herself and soon transferred this hobby into a business. This business is called, “How Much Ur Fit.”
Watson’s idea for this business sparked last year. She had a private snapchat story where she would walk around school and ask students how much money each item of their clothing was. She started to use this story to sell some old pieces she had in her closet, “I just wanted to get rid of them. Then it sold out in an hour,” said Watson.
After this occurred, Watson realized the interest many of her friends had in the clothes she sold. So she decided to expand it. She promotes her company of “How Much Ur Fit” as a “vintage reselling business.”
Junior Elle Boyd has purchased many items from previous drops. She expresses, “I love the clothes she sells… I always get excited for a new drop.”
In order to get her stock, Watson devotes countless hours searching for each piece. She goes to the Goodwill bins, which take patience to search through. She also goes to vintage pop ups in Phoenix and Tempe. “I have put in a lot of work but it feels good when I see it pay off,” said Watson.
The popularity of her business is sparked by the low prices of the items. Watson tries to keep the costs low, consisting of prices from 5-20 dollars. She makes it well known that each item can be resold at a similar price if the customer is not satisfied. Items can be purchased by cash, Venmo or Apple Pay.
For each drop, Watson posts reminders in the days before preparing the customers for the upcoming drop. When drop day comes, each item plus the price is posted on the account’s snapchat story. If you slide up first, you get the item, and in some cases, they must bid to see who will receive the item.
She recently added a new feature for the business which is called “Confidential Closet” which allows the buyers to join a separate snapchat story to get early access to the new clothes that are about to drop. This story is only 5 dollars to join and is highly beneficial due to the quick sell outs of each drop.
The benefits to Watson’s business is for her portfolio for marketing in college. She wishes for this to continue into college, where she plans to attend in New York. Watson hopes to continue to grow her business but wants to keep it as an individual occupation. “It does get hard and difficult doing it by myself, but since I started it I want to continue it by myself,” said Watson. However she does pay her models who help her take the photos that she is going to post for each upcoming drop.
The SnapChat she posts on is @elianawatson and the Instagram for this business is @howmuchurfit.
Garrison Iva • Nov 15, 2021 at 1:02 PM
What a sharp person Eliana is. I am so proud of her. I know it is a time consuming business and involves a lot of posting and photo work. Kudos to Eliana Watson!