Man on the street: Would you take the vaccine if it were open to you?
Students were asked if they would take the vaccine if they could. Many students had thought and opinions and shared them.
COVID is a pressing and a current issue, due to the escalating deaths, multiple vaccines are being distributed: The Pfizer and Moderna vaccine are the only two that are allowed for teenagers over sixteen. However “even teens who are old enough to receive Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine will likely be in the final group to receive it.” according to physician Juan Salazar.
The Pfizer vaccine is authorized for sixteen-year-olds while the Moderna is approved for eighteen-year-olds. Nevertheless, this does not mean that teenagers and young adults are a priority unless they have serious health conditions or they are essential workers.
With this in mind students were asked “If you were able to take the vaccine would you take it?”
Sophomore Nicole Baird replied “I would take the vaccine just so things could go back to normal.”
Along with Baird, 12 other people would want to take the vaccine if it was available; however, seven others agreed that they would wait on being vaccinated. “I don’t necessarily see a need for me, a teenager, to get the vaccine, especially when it came out so quick.” an anonymous source claims.
Along with the clear opinions on the vaccine, there has been some indecisiveness. “As long as everyone is safe, I don’t really care whether or not I get the vaccine.” Senior Ellie Butler states.
“COVID-19 is less likely to affect teenagers,” Salazar comments; thus, the FDA is less urgent with adolescent vaccination. However, by being vaccinated, people can travel, continue working, and safely attend activities. “If I get vaccinated I can [do] work and spend time with my family.” Baird claims.
Essential workers, such as teachers, were all given the opportunity to have the vaccine; day care workers also had to get the shot in order to work with the children. “Getting the vaccine will help other people feel safe and work with others who are at risk,” Baird says.
In a total of 19 votes, 63 percent voted yes on taking the vaccine and 37 percent voted no on the vaccine, making the vaccine popular among the adolescents of Perry and Arizona.
This theory is also supported by another poll conducted on Instagram where 71 percent of students voted yes and 29 voted no. Three other students along with sophomore Emily Shields claim that “the vaccine is unnecessary.”
In the end, the vaccine is still being developed for children under 16 making some sophomores and freshman ineligible to get it. “Since I don’t work, the vaccine won’t affect me,” freshman Isaac Brown claims.
The vaccine will not be distributed until at least 2021 for youth, in the meanwhile, schools are still taking precautions while teachers are getting vaccinated and for the FDA to approve children for vaccines.

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