Construction on campus comes full circle
Students returned from winter break to bulldozers and cranes outside their English classes. Five months later, the construction on the new C building, the locker rooms, tennis courts, and the addition to the cafeteria has come full circle.
The main site of construction is the two story building that has gone up in front of the teacher parking lot. The building will house English, world language, and special education teachers. “We’re going to try to develop the departments together so teachers that aren’t with their department in the building are going to come over,” principal Dan Serrano explained. “Teachers…are scattered over in the F-building and we’re going to bring them all together.”
As departments move over to the new building, the C-building will have a couple empty classrooms that will be opened up to the traveling teachers that did not have their own space this year. “Every teacher on campus will have their own room,” Serrano commented. Additionally, there will be three empty classrooms to have on hand throughout the year, and an office for a school psychologist.
Similarly to the original C-and F-buildings, this new addition will have an elevator that is estimated to go in on June first.
The construction process is not always perfect. All three of the individuals in charge of the project agreed that the team has met its fair share of road blocks.
One of the project superintendents, Matt Gravert, chuckled and commented that the team reaches road blocks “every day.” Ryan Ellis, the other superintendent on the crew, explained further, saying “Yes, we mediate issues every day.” As if to prove his point, a construction worker appeared in the doorway to alert Ellis and Gravert that the wrong kind of pipe had been ordered and what has been delivered would not to the job that they intended it for. The superintendents advised him to order new pipe and the issue was squared away.
The construction team that is working on the addition to the new cafe has ran into their own share of problems.
“There was a lot of underground conflict,” Ellis explained. “Next week we are going to start lay out on that.” The construction will move from its previously planned location next to the administration offices, to the grassy area in between the cafeteria and the F-building.
Both the construction on the new C-building and the cafeteria is predicted to be finished by July 13, just in time for the 2019-2020 school year.

Anna Myers is a senior at Perry High School, and is excited to be the 2020-21 Managing Editor for The Precedent. Out of the newsroom, Anna enjoys participating...