News Brief: Right lane shut down on Queen Creek

As of late early morning traffic has been significantly crippled due to a mysterious shut down of the right lane on Queen Creek near the Flip Side parking lot. Already the two laned road can become  congested quickly, as many students are trying to go to the same place at the same time. With the lane shut down, tardies have gone up and time spent waiting at the Val Vista Queen Creek light has seemingly multiplied.

The project has been headed by Matthew Legge of MTB Projects. “I’m moving two light poles,” says Legge. “I’m pulling out all that sidewalk…because I have to create a turn lane into the property for the senior living that we’re building.”

Work began on Friday Jan. 13, and is expected to continue through Feb. 3. The reason for the shutdown of the right lane along the way to Flip Side is purely in the interest of safety. “I have the pedestrian walk out for everyone’s safety,” says Legge.

Construction is expected to continue for about two more weeks from this Friday.