#PullenToPerry twitter campaign gains popularity among seniors


The class of 2015 has begun a campaign to get teacher Jessica Pullen back for their graduation. As of Sunday night, the tweet had 146 of the 500 retweets that she agreed were necessary for her to come back.

Jessica Pullen is somewhat of a celebrity at PHS.   Known in part for her reading of the names at graduation,students of all grades love her, which is why the day she left PHS was such a sad day in puma nation. While her official title was AP Human Geography Teacher, students more often see her as a role model and friend.

Knowing this about Pullen makes it easy to understand why seniors have began a twitter campaign to get her to fly back from Seattle where she now teaches to attend their graduation.

“The lessons that I have learned from her have been really valuable in my life,” senior Aamir Patel explains.

The campaign began when Patel tweeted at Pullen asking her how many retweets it would take to get her to our graduation.

Patel states, “I think it would just be really cool if she could come and we could honor her in some way.”

Pullen responded to his tweet on Sunday night, “500 and a plane ticket,” followed by a tweet by @apat7997, “GUYS MAKE IT HAPPEN.”
Since then, students have been rallying around the idea of a favorite teacher returning for their graduation.

“I spent my night tweeting celebrities, trying to get them to help us,” says senior Jaxon Bradshaw. He continues, “She was an important part in a lot of students lives so i thinks thats part of why we all are trying to get her back.”

Beyond the 80 retweets that the tweet gained in less than 15 hours, more preparations occurred.

Senior Katie Sanford said, “We spent all last night making posters to put up on the walls and then we are organizing a club we are getting the paperwork today during conference.”

While the club is not yet official, a group of seniors are working on finding a sponsor, potentially Rhonda Duering or Angela Gardner.

She’s like Perry. She read the names; it would be weird if she wasn’t there.

— Katie Sanford

While Sanford did not even have Pullen as a teacher, she is enthusiastic about her potential return for graduation.

“She’s like Perry. She read the names; it would be weird if she wasn’t there,” Sanford says.

Duering, upon learning of the campaign, expressed her faith in its success, because she understands the extents to which the students miss her on a different level as her best friend..

“She already has a room to stay in [at my house],” Duering said. “She is a special person and we miss her everyday.”

In addition to this, if the tweet gains 500 retweets, the club will be gathering money for Pullen’s round trip plane ticket from Seattle where she now teaches. Senior Andrew Jensen is helping head off a potential flag football tournament to honor her.

He explains, “ It was just kinda a bummer when she moved away so we’ve got to bring her back to Perry. We need the retweets first.”

Patel agrees, expressing his faith in the potential of the students to bring back one of his favorite teachers.

“We, as a school and a senior class, need to come together and achieve this goal.”

Uniting to bring Pullen back to graduation has the potential to be a great memory for the seniors of the class of 2015.