Lending an ear to podcasts
There are many ways to listen to your favorite podcasts!
Lending an ear to podcasts
Whether in the car or at home, audiences often indulge themselves by listening to a nice entertaining podcast that can discuss numerous things. After looking into a few of each kind, here is a short list of podcasts that are a must listen:
Sports podcasts are one of the best ways to find out who hit the amazing home run that all of your friends are talking about. Although there are many, here are a couple of podcasts that are the most popular:
With Dan Patrick as host, very little can go wrong. In his deep soothing voice, Dan Patrick is able to inform his audience about the sports world.
ESPN has been able to thoroughly broadcast sports news since it was founded in 1979. In daily episodes, the most important sports news is explained and dissected.
Many fantasize of out-of-this world adventures. Literature has often delved into many mystic worlds that have brought even the darkest corners of one’s imagination to life. Like literature, recent podcasts have started to dive into the rocky path of breaking these adventures into a play-by-play discussion for the audience to indulge in.
Harry Potter and the Sacred texts
Many English teachers would be proud if they found their students listening to this podcast, as it often discusses the many themes found in the seven-book series of Harry Potter. The hosts, Vanessa Zoltan and Casper ter Kuile reflect on the many life lessons that can be learned from J.K. Rowling’s famed fiction series.
Spiraling into the very confusing world of conspiracy theories may be very dangerous, but as host Cecil Baldwin analyzes each and every theory that she has found, the world of what if’s has not been the same.
True crime:
Whether it be reading a murder mystery novel or watching Criminal Minds, True crime podcasts are the way to go. In exploring the many mysteries of the world, these podcasts are often preceded by dire messages that warn of nightmares and frightening stories.
Hosts Carter Roy and Wendy Mackenzie take real life unsolved murders from the world’s dark past and dive into their mysterious details and unfortunate endings.
Relishing a good murder mystery has always been character trait of hosts Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, but now they share their love with the audience.
Society flows with different cultures, so that’s precisely the reason why it is talked about on podcasts. Ranging from political culture to pop culture, life is made up of ideals that are waiting to be explored and discussed.
In this sincere and helpful podcast, the bestselling author John Green and his brother, Hank answer questions about getting through and excelling in life.
Hosted by seventeen-year-old Sammy Jaye, this podcast discusses real-issues in a very thorough and dedicated way. Through interviews with celebrities, hot topics such as mental health, friendship and dating are discussed from different points of views.
Some audiences do not like to stop learning, and that is okay! There are many podcasts that make one feel as if they are taking a class they never knew existed.
Almost everyone falls asleep during the boring old history lectures so just in case, Holly Frey and Tracy Wilson dive into all the nitty-gritty details of history.
Will Pearson and Mangesh Hattikudur, also known as Mango, have wondered about it all, whether their thoughts are of the specifics of sleep or how rats keep outsmarting humans, they seem to know everything.
Because podcasts have become such a colossal phenomenon, The PHS Precedent will once again host their very own. Look for the upcoming details at phsprecedent.com

Kyler is a Junior here at Perry. He likes to run cross country and wrestle for the school team. His favorite subject is English and he is excited to be...