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The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

Sources for the infographic are provided by : "School-Based Sexuality Education: The Issues and Challenges" from, "'No Promo Homo' Laws" from, Arizona SB1020 sexual education reform bill, and "Arizona's Youth: Focus on Sexual and Reproductive Health" from advocatesforyouth.or, respectively.

Finding a solution to sexual education

Bree Wade and Sarah Lankford April 22, 2016

Time to face the facts: teenagers have sex. Not just at Perry High School, or even just within the Chandler Unified School District; but throughout Arizona and even the country. Many states including Arizona...

Abstinence training full of misleading sexpectations

Staff Editorial April 18, 2016

How did you learn about sex? If asked this question, most teenagers would respond with ‘from friends’ or ‘by watching TV’. Despite the fact that most high school students have taken a sex education...

Opinions Editor Erik Yates.

Yates Hates: Abstinence-only sex education not realistic

Erik Yates, Opinions Editor November 9, 2015

There comes a time in every student’s life where changes start happening to their bodies. They may not find the answers in Chandler’s comprehensive health classes. Instead, confusion could arise leading...

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