Re-create Announcements from audio to video

Jonathan Garcia, Staff Reporter

There’s no guarantee that it’ll work. Nor is there the teacher’s promise to follow through. A problem many don’t consider a problem. Audio announcements is seen as an unimportant problem that doesn’t need to be fixed. I propose something new, something that can sprout new opportunities.

Video announcements have been considered as a solution by those who make it there job to improve schools. It’s not a farfetch idea if one considers that multiple schools have found benefits with the change. Turning what would be an uninteresting, old fashioned, way of drilling information into students to an engaging and entertaining learning tool. Something that Perry needs instead of that background noise everyone grew to ignore.

Diving into the specifics, video announcements provides multiple improvements in student’s school experience. It’s common knowledge that students simply don’t listen to the school audio announcements. It’s easy to find more entertainment by whipping out one’s phone or through friends. Video would completely eliminate the problem. Turning off the lights and releasing bright light to students would immediately grab their attention and make it easy to identify texters.  

Why should people care about announcements? They’ve been a part of school routine for decades. Sending out school news to both students and parents. It’s also a way to get students prepared for the coming hours and get them engaged before class starts. When looking at the alternative, by not providing announcements, teachers would be looking at distracted students who don’t really understand what’s happening at their own school.

Lack of school spirit is infamous here at Perry. It could be argued that with more informed students, participation would follow. STUGO would be able to send out important messages to students who don’t really listen to audio announcements. Everyone could finally be able to sing the school anthem or remember the name of our mascot.  

A question in many people’s minds are, who would create the announcements? A possible solution is our multimedia and film class. It would be a perfect way for students to learn new skills in the arts and provide motivation to strive for better. Motivation, not for a grade, yet for all to see your creation. That is something you can’t teach.

Sure, there are different ways to solve the lack of spirit in students. Or simpler ways on fixing school announcements. Yet, Why stop there? Why stop at just meeting the goal? It’s not just about informing students about current school activities. It’s about a new and creative way to turn something boring into something engaging and fun. Video announcements could mark the beginning of when Perry broke the mold and sought out a unique improvement.