State Standards of Education

Arizona’s education standards are being met


The decision of whether state standards are being met, is not a black or white verdict.  This is due to the fact that the standards for education can continually be broken down.  From state, to school, to inside the classroom standards, it depends on how far one wishes to take their research.  Every state’s standards are the specific learning goals for what students should understand, be able to communicate and comprehend at each grade level.

Arizona is meeting the state education standards with average scores.  The graduation rate, from 2013 is 75.1 percent, which is more than New Mexico and Nevada.  The total average in the United States is 83 percent.  The average participation rate for the ACT is 54 percent, and Arizona came a little below it at 50 percent.  That’s still above New Mexico, but under Utah.

Basic education standards are important in the classroom, since they are the foundation and building blocks for where Arizona stands on education averages.

Mr. Degrow, a PHS investigative science teacher informed me, “We align all of our instruction with state and district standards to make sure that each class for investigative science is being taken care of appropriately.”  In response to my question of whether the standards are being met in his classroom.

However, it is no secret that students will always need to put forth more effort.  With less daily distractions and more motivated pupils, Arizona’s standards would be over average.

From an upperclassman point of view, in response to whether he thinks the standards for education are being met, Nico Digne said, “I don’t feel like everyone is, but some people obviously are.  Some people try harder – not everyone tries the same.  People could do better, but they don’t choose too.”

The level of understanding each student entails in the classroom, is the foundation for Arizona, and every other state’s education standards.  From inside to outside the classrooms of PHS, the state of Arizona is  meeting the average education requirements.