Yates Hates: Lack of School Spirit variety

The quarter is drawing to a close. Students are either rushing to bring their grade up to an acceptable average just working to maintain their current grade or just breezing through their assignments when the announcements declare the next week to be spirit week. Some students get annoyed, while others get excited.


Every quarter, the school instigates a so-called “Spirit Week” where everyone is prompted to show their pride of the school by participating in various “dress-up” days from the extraordinary and not-at-all-limited selection of workout day, twin day, nerd day, and the different variations of red days.

In practice, school spirit weeks should bring out the energy and pride to a part of the school in the students. A few students will go all out on one of the themes and decorate themselves entirely with costumes or even face paint. It’s amazing to see at most, two people going all the way on a specific day while a majority of people are just doing the bare minimum requirements to even participate on a spirit day.

While I personally would not participate in spirit day, I feel more people should be more engaged in these days, albeit, the school needs to do a better job at making spirit week more eventful.

There is no variety.

On the last day of the spirit weeks, the school holds a pep assembly where the students are rounded up in the gym and watch the different sports teams that are currently in season huddle together and chant, then watch a few dances from the cheerleaders and the Moveo Dance Company. The pep assemblies appear to be mere confidence boosters for the sports teams. Like other factors in the already tedious spirit weeks, pep assemblies are just the same dance-song-cheer routine every year.

Provided the change up of the week of Sept. 8 to the 12 appeared to be an actual attempt to break the mundane cycle, it raises some questions as to who thought that “wear sunglasses day” was a good idea. The spirit day theme was literally one of the essential requirements to live here.

Since they’re at it, why not have a sunblock day? Your eyes aren’t the only thing that can get cancer in this desert state.

The themes are old and tired. Why not have a 80s day or something blatantly idiotic that it inspires more students to take part in it? Change it up for once. Update the four year old music playlist that they overplay at lunch. People are tired of hearing the Top 40 from 2010 and the worst of pop music this year. Make people want to show their school spirit, if they have any.