Student council class officer votes come in
As the student government elections for class officers wrap up, Perry will see who will be apart of representing each class in student government.
On April 29 and 30, StuGo held voting for next year’s class officer positions. The votes have been tallied up and the incoming senior, junior, and sophomore officers have been selected, with the exception of one sophomore position.
The election process is lengthy, as candidates must complete petitions and other paperwork to be eligible to run. The week before the voting begins, the nominees must display posters and or marketing materials to announce their candidacy.
After the voting last week, the StuGo leaders worked to establish everyone who had been voted in, as a class officer. Lerina Johnson, the student government advisor said, “The current president, the incoming president, and myself will sit and interview all the candidates and then pick our class officers.” The interviews will decide what role they would play in student government, the following school year. These positions should be announced within the coming week.
While their positions in student council are still being decided upon, the officers for next year have been announced.
The incoming senior class officers will be Ashley Day, Nikhita Jayaraj, Paige Kulpaca, Hannah Hale, and Lily McCleary.
The incoming junior class officers will be Elle Boyd, Ella Delfosse, Madelaine Balbarin, Ella Hanks, Maddisyn Jolley, and Madeline Moncur.
Then finally, the incoming sophomore class officers will consist of Sam Spencer, Austin Clouse, Daniel Johnson, Allison Rose, Emily Hastings, Nadia Shovkovy, and Claire Nguyen. The eighth sophomore officer position will be decided by the student council heads, as well.
So this next coming year, may the new student government officers help make next year even more exciting and memorable.

Logan Cogley is a freshman at Perry High School and is in his first year of being apart of The Precedent. He is very excited to cover Girls and Boys Volleyball,...