End of bell conundrum?
Bell system back on track after four months of confusion
Students leave class late because of delayed bells.
November marks the fourth month school has been in session and the fourth month of school, the bells are still out of sync. The bell system still running with little consistency. The new bell system was introduced to the new C-building and it is ran over IP meaning it is controlled and troubleshooted here at the school. This should be making the bells accurate, yet they were not working on time up until October 30. Causing people at Perry to scramble when the bells did not work, or ring at incorrect times.
IT Specialist Christine Gonzales,who helps progress the bell system, said that “The old bell system couldn’t be integrated into the new C-building, but it made room for the new system. Its IP controlled that offers online troubleshooting within the building. This should offer more consistency within the system.”Yet there are still delays happening, which has frustrated not only her but several people on campus. She followed it up by saying.“We are still working out bugs and updating the system to make it run better and more accurately.”responded Gonzales.
This has even annoyed Principal Dan Serrano “It’s irritating to me that we don’t have bells.” he said. “It’s a work in progress with the new bell system.”
Many times this semester the bells had been off by one minute. But that one minute can change an entire day. Serrano is not the only one unhappy with the bell system; English teacher Laura Varela voiced her opinion by saying Cole Graham also expressed his distaste for the inconsistent bells “It’s very difficult to follow the day and know what time it is without the bells. It makes me mad because I end up being late for class.” Understandably the bells tend to delay the day frequently.
The bell may be difficult to time but it seems the positives out way the negatives. Christine Gonzales also said “The benefit is the new technology helps with safety with fire drills, lock downs, and important weather alerts. We just have to debug some things and learn to further understand the system to get it running efficiently.” With the improvements that the system brings and with updates and improvements, the new system should be a solid improvement for the school on timing and safety.
November has seen more consistency, it seems the bells have been on time and going off daily. Gonzales said “The company just finished a round of software updates, and the IT team just finished installing them, this is what is working now and we will see if it continues.”

JJ Fought Is a Junior at Perry High School, he enjoys music and spending time with friends and family.