Behind graduation

The moment we have all been waiting for is almost here. Graduation has finally come within our grasps. While graduation is an exciting time for the seniors that are about to move on in life, such a ceremony requires an extreme amount of preparation and work.

According to Principal Dan Serrano, the preparation for this big day began a while ago. “We don’t start doing it in May. As soon as graduation is over, we are already planning stuff for next year. So it’s always going on.” Planning for the next graduation is always underway, whether it is the beginning or the end of the year.

One of the common troubles that arises with each of these ceremonies is the amount of parking. Serrano said, “There never is [enough parking]. When you have five thousand people converge on a place that is supposed to hold three thousand, it’s a  And unfortunately, it is not looking like the new parking lot will be ready by graduation.

Handicapped drivers have the opportunity to call ahead and notify administrators of their intent to come so preparations can be made accordingly. Athletic Director Jennifer Burks, who is in charge of handicap parking, seating on the track, and security, said, “When they call for handicap seating we ask them if they also need handicap parking. We’ll save extra spaces knowing that there are people that will come in with a handicap placard.

In addition to parking accommodations, another concern is usually seating. Over the past several graduations, the bleachers have not been able to provide enough space for the arrival of the large population. To combat this lack of space, administrators have had to come up with alternate methods of seating.

According to Serrano, “We do open the gym and the auditorium and live stream it, but seating is at capacity.” This offers those who did not have the opportunity to sit in the bleachers the ability to find a seat somewhere else..”

Security is another aspect of graduation that administrators take care of. Burks said, “We have all of our security guards on duty… we believe 12 police officers [will be brought in].” Administrators also plan to have several of the custodians driving around to shuttle those who may need a ride to their parking spot. Burks said, “They kind of drive around the parking lot and give people rides when necessary.”

Finally, there is the job of organizing the students together and putting them together for graduation. Assistant Principal Joe Greene said, “My role in it is kind of the umbrella, but I work on the piece of making sure that the kids are getting in the right room, in the right order, the readers, and all of that stuff. So all of everything you see that happens on graduation night with the kids coming in.”