Spanish National Honors Society comes to Perry
At last, the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (Spanish National Honors Society) will be introduced to Perry this coming year, and many are ecstatic about the highly anticipated club’s arrival. Those who truly enjoy and put forth effort in their Spanish classes now will have an opportunity to put that dedication into a club.
Principal Dan Serrano said, “Of course [for students] being in Spanish classes and having a certain GPA… I think it’s a good thing.”
The requirements for admission into the club include two years of Spanish in high school, a minimum of a 3.8 grade point average overall and also in Spanish individually.
The activities SNHS participates in will be heavily influenced by the students and officers, as it will be student run. Marla Vaughn, the sponsor of the club, said,
The society’s chapter name is “Los Pumas” and the motto is “todos a una.” Also, the colors of the society are red and gold. According to the information slip regarding SNHS, the club has an overall goal to “recognize high achievement in Spanish by students of secondary schools and to promote continuity of interest in Hispanic studies.”
Those who wanted to apply for officer positions had to meet all the aforementioned requirements and also had to plan on taking a Spanish class next year.
Numerous scholarships and rewards will be available to superior members of the society. This includes the Certificado de Excelencia, which will be given to the student with the highest grade point average in Spanish. Also, the Certificado por Servicios will be awarded to members who have shown determination to serve the Chapter. The Premio de Honor will also be given to the best graduating senior member.
Students who are accepted by the society will be inducted before the end of the year into the club this year as new members of the Spanish Honors Society.

Caden Johnson is senior at Perry High School. He is a staff reporter for the PHS Precedent. Caden is an Eagle Scout and has been scouting since the dawn...