PHS DECA makes it to Nationals
DECA has continued their success in representing Perry at the state level against many other schools, by achieving 46 medals at district level, which is the most out of any one school.
The club traveled to downtown Phoenix in order to compete at the DECA competition. Some events at the competition include role playing certain job positions from many different industries, including hospitality and restaurant industry.
“You take a hundred question test on campus” first place winner explained the process, “then you go to the competition in Phoenix, which involves role plays and various other events” said Chay Romine.
Third place winner Devlin Clark added, “They average out certain score indicators [in Phoenix] with the test to give you your final score against other competitors.”
At the district level, Perry won 46 medals, the most out of any one school. Romine placed first place to win the state championship. State runner ups went to Allie Shibel and Ryan Zolin. 3rd place finishers were Shyla Baldwin and Devlin Clark.
“It was an incredible experience… I’ve been working at it for four years but hearing my name and going up to the stage just made all the work I put into it worth it,” said Romine. Romine, along with 12 other students who qualified, will be leaving April 22 to attend the international competition at Nashville Tennessee where they will compete against students from 8 different countries.
Other students that made it to internationals include: Natalie Eberhard, Deven Fulton, Kane Hudson, Emily Jacques, Brittany Karlik, Luis Para, Briana Parisian, Quinn Schoenberger, Mitch Woodhurst and Jake Worrell,
Not every student decided to attend the national competition. Clark decided not to go, “I’m not going this year, it falls the same weekend as prom, and I’d rather go to prom for my Senior year.” He also reflected on his performance in competition, “personally it wasn’t hard for me, but for a lot of first year students it can be stressful since they do not know what to expect.”

Ernesto Jesus Chacon is Junior Perry at high school. He likes to work with his fathers business in the automotive industry. It is at his fathers shop...