Perry says goodbye to more than just our seniors
Throughout the year, many students have become aware that some of their favorite teachers are making the decision to take some time off. For Spanish teacher Carina De La Torre, this decision was extremely difficult for her.
De La Torre explains that the last few years of dropping off her 3 year-old daughter at daycare has been challenging.
“I actually think it got harder instead of easier. It was making it harder for me to leave her and go teach,” De La Torre says.
During the 13 years she has been teaching, she has been able to change the lives of many students; however, her students seemed to have majorly impacted her life as well.
“You guys are my kids away from my kids. That’s why I push you guys so much. Your success is number one on my list” De La Torre says,“I love what I do and I adore my students.” She puts her students first and is constantly motivating them.
“It’s why I talk about PMA- positive mental attitude- and moving with purpose, and ‘no hay excusas’, and you know, all my sayings,” DLT says with a laugh.
Spanish teacher, Nicole Lorgan explains the adjustments the Spanish department is going to have to make, as there are five new teachers coming in, “We are going to have to be on our game because we are going to have to help some new people adjust to Perry.”
For anyone who has gotten the pleasure of being in De La Torre’s classroom, they know how upbeat and hardworking she is.
“[Being in her class has] been quite an experience simple due to her diversity from other teachers. Whoever replaces her has big shoes to fill,” Sophomore Ryan Whitmire says.
DLT explains that all of her students have touched her life in a special way. It is tough to take a year off; however, it is just as important to put family first. Her department and students recognize her need to take some time off to spend time with her daughter.
“I think it’s great, it’s obviously something she’s wanted to do and it’s nice to see her commitment and priority to family,” Whitmire explains.
Although the Spanish department is sad to see them go, they are excited for them to pursue other things.
Spanish teacher Nicole Lorgan says, “They are my friends as well so I am feeling very sad that I won’t see them on a daily basis, and at the same time I’m very happy for those that are leaving.”
DLT also explains how much she loves her department and the teachers and administration, “I can’t go wrong with the people I work with; my department is my rock, they help me get through the day. The front office, the secretaries, the admin, they’re fantastic,” De La Torre says, “I will miss them.”
She expects to only take a year off, but plans on subbing in the 2016-17 school year, “I’m taking away a little piece of you guys in my heart as I walk away from this for a year; hopefully, just a year.”

Breanna Latt is a freshman in high school. She is a student in the Intro to Journalism class; Bre is on the track team, and has a passion for riding horses....