Orchestra debut concert; return to normalcy

Cello players Anvita Limaye and Sienna Weikel perform as members of the Symphonic Orchestra. The orchestra performed a variety of pieces, led by their director Dr. Dopp.

The Orchestra’s fall concert is titled, “Concert Debut”, and features Perry’s concert, symphonic, and chamber orchestra. There was no specific theme to the performances, however the overall nature of the night resided in going back to pre-corona normalcy. “ So getting to interact and harmonize with each other was a major step toward gaining cohesiveness and teamwork.” said Director Dopp.  

The night also featured words from the booster club’s secretary Ben Barclay. The booster club works to raise money for orchestra students and their potential trips, such as the New York trip. Money can be raised with the aid of organizations such as Tuff and Quill, American Furniture Warehouse, and Frys. 

A unique addition to the night is a specific performance from Concert Orchestra, with the title, “The One Bow Concerto”. This piece comes from one singular bow being used between three players, a violin. Viola, and cello. Bringing a sense of comedic appeal to the night, as the piece progresses, one member was left out from the bow passing and expressed her annoyance visually. Symphonic orchestra performed three pieces, one of which being “What can you do with a Drunken Sailor”. 

Two students were given a duo performance, one on piano and the other with violin. The two played the end piece from the game, Omori. Ending the night, the chamber orchestra performed four different pieces, each with multiple segments. The final performance of the night was “This is Halloween ”, from A Nightmare Before Christmas, as a way to bring Halloween spirit. 

This year the students are beginning to return to a normal year that the year prior lacked. “I think its a great experience, uh we have got a lot a lot more people than it was last time with social distancing, I feel like we’re all closer in the environment this year,” said junior McKadee Barclay. Without having to adhere to COVID-19 precautions, the audience number for this concert was no longer restricted. Another change this year was that the different orchestras were allowed to sit in the audience while another orchestra was on stage. Masks were not required for the night, but some students and family members chose to wear them.