John Krasinski hosts new SGN show to promote good news

Photo courtesy of Creative Commons
Good news is very much needed during this hard time. Everything we read and watch on TV is negative and it gets overwhelming to many very quickly.
Actor John Krasinski decided to start a show on YouTube that only promotes good news to brighten up people’s days. The channel is called Some Good News (SGN for short) and it has already blown up having 1.82M subscribers. Krasinski has three episodes up on the channel, posting episodes once a week for viewers.
I have seen posts about his channel all over twitter so I decided to watch the episodes for myself and see what all the fuss is about.
Like any other good citizen practicing social distancing, Krasinski makes his episodes from the comfort of his home. As soon as the first episode started, it felt like I was watching a Late Night show since Krasinski had the same set up in his home. Krasinski starts off by introducing the show and explains how he came up with this idea, “for years now I have been wondering, why is there not a news show dedicated entirely to good news?”
Krasinski’s content is brought to him by his fans on Twitter who send him any good news that they want to share with the world.
As I was watching his episodes, I realized I was smiling at a news show, not only because Krasinski is the host, but for the sole reason that all the news he shared in his episodes were so heart warming and sweet. I was able to see the good people in the world that no one ever talks about, such as those making handmade masks for healthcare workers, or others who take the time out of their day to join in on a parade to make someone else smile.
In one of his episodes he had the cast of Hamilton virtually perform for a little girl who was not able to go watch the performance live on Broadway, which I thought was super cool since she was still able to get a performance.
Dedicating a news show to only good news was definitely something the world needed at this time. It brought out many smiles and laughs, along with motivating me to try and make a change, and help as many people as possible who are struggling. This is a kid-friendly news show, so I really recommend checking out SGN for some wholesome content to make you and your family smile.

Tiffany Martinez is a junior in high school who is a first year staff reporter, she will be covering Football, StuGo, and the Art Dept. She loves to go...