Everybody’s Everything: Gone but not forgotten
After Lil Peep passed away in 2017, music continued to be released. His death skyrocketed his career. Since 2017 two albums have been released. “Everybody’s Everything” was set to be released alongside a documentary of Lil Peep’s life. The album doesn’t stray far from the emo-punk style fans know and love. With both new and old songs on the album fans feel the nostalgia factor while also being able to hear new songs and see how far Peep has come since the beginning of his career.
Songs like “witchblades” , and “cobain” give listeners a look into the life of the late rapper. Fans were fully aware of the rapper’s addiction problems and his music shared a lot of information of his battle with addiction. The song “witchblades” talks about feeling outcasted and like you don’t belong. The lyrics “In high school I was a loner. I was a reject, i was a poser.” makes fans feel like someone understands them. Cobain gives a sad look addiction and falling in love. The lyrics “ She can see the pain. Look me in the eyes,” and “Fell in love once, and I never been the same.” This song gives fans a small look into his life and how he didn’t trust a lot of people and used drugs to cope with how he was feeling.
New songs like “AQUAFINA” and “PRINCESS” are more upbeat songs and aren’t like the old songs on the album. “AQUAFINA’ is a collaboration with Rich The Kid. The song still has the same theme as his old music but has a more modern rap style to it instead of the normal emo-rap style fans are used to. “PRINCESS” has a beat with a slight techno feel to it but the rap style stays the same as older songs. The new songs still have Peep’s old style but with the influence of other artists on the album draw some attention away from Lil Peep.
Another unique aspect of the album is that two songs on the are acoustic versions of pre released songs. This is very different from his normal style of music. The album provides a lot of diversity in the style of music produced. It shows how much he could have done if he was still alive and producing music.
Overall the album is produced very well and provides a nostalgic factor for fans who have listened to his older music. Fans now have more music to hold onto and new songs to remember him by.

Kiley Newby is a senior at Perry High School, and is a first year staff reporter. She is covering local student bands, and is a moxie reporter. She will...