Ukulele Club revival welcomes both beginners, advanced player

Ukulele club is the ideal club  campus for anyone who has ever wanted to learn how to play the ukulele or just get a little extra practice time.

Sponsor Alesandra Barth explains “The club has a completely open door to everybody.” Whether a student is a beginner or an expert the Uke club will welcome everyone with open arms. The club will either break off into groups based on how well they can play or they will pair up a more advanced student to help a beginner.

Ukulele club is just starting back up again this year and they now have about 20 members, but are always hoping for more to join.

“Right now the club is learning new chords and how to strum,” Barth said “so it is not too late to join.” Ukulele club is also welcoming singers for anyone who does not want to learn how to play the uke but still wants to be in the club.

Other than practicing for fun the ukulele club also prepares for upcoming performances throughout the year. The club members will be performing at the chandler PHS library at their  hawaiian themed “Caroling in the Library.” The event takes place this Dec. and the Ukulele club is very excited to be making their debut. The club is also aiming to play a Christmas mashup for this year’s winter assembly.

During performances the more advanced members will have solos while the beginners will learn to play as a group. The students will play a variety of songs that they learned during their time in the club. Performances will also include singing which can be made into solos or sung by the whole group.

Ukulele club meets every Tuesday during conference in a nice shady spot to hang out, play the uke and meet new friends.

President Matthew McGrath has been playing the ukulele for three years and encourages students to join because “It’s a great environment and a great place to have a fun time.” Go make music, go have fun, and go get a pass from C101.