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The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

Senior Rishi Johari works on his application for the prestigious Flinn scholarship. Johari was one the finalists for the scholarship that recognizes exceptional academic achievements.

Flinn scholarship semi-finalist, honoring academic achievement

Julia Fountain, Editor-in-Chief March 7, 2025

Senior Rishi Johari was named a semi-finalist for the prestigious Flinn Scholarship, a highly competitive award for Arizona high schoolers. Created by philanthropist Robert Flinn in the 1980s, the scholarship...

Franzone strives for international excellence in archery

Ava Schneider, Double Truck Editor February 24, 2025

After nine years of mastering archery, what began as a way to learn hunting became a passion for junior Hailey Franzone. Competing at the World Field Archery Championships, she sees archery as more...

Junior Kate Wilson performs on ice to a rendition of ‘Maybe Love’ from the 2023 musical Shucked. Figure skating allows Wilson a creative outlet to embrace her performance skills and mental strength.

Embracing expertise through figure skating

Trapper Nelson, Staff Reporter February 24, 2025

Figure skaters have to train to an expert level and exceed the standards in the sport before being able to perform successfully. Junior Kate Wilson’s experience in the sport allows her to fully embrace...

Senior Ria Siddappa teaching children in the 4’s room at the Little Explorers daycare sign language. Siddappa taught them basic signs and the alphabet.

ASL four students teach little explorers

Julia Fountain, Editor-in-Chief February 7, 2025

American Sign Language (ASL) three and four students are taking the knowledge they have learned in the classroom into a real-life environment by sharing the value of ASL with the children at the Little...

Sophomore Zoey Kunz back dive tucks, which sees the diver jump off the board and then pull their legs towards them. Her and her teammates are prepared to go all out this year despite the lack of people on the team.

Triple threat: dive team trio devoted to the sport

Trapper Nelson and Kylie Gomez September 18, 2024

The dive team this year only consists of three athletes, all of which are girls, but they still are looking forward to this season. The coach of the team, Ketti Kerby views the lack of athletes as an advantage...

During the badminton match against Mountain View high school on Aug. 24 junior Ellie Martin and her opponent are together laughing in between their respective matches. The entire match between the schools resulted in a 7-2 win.

Birdie or ball: differences between badminton and tennis

Emily Buttyan, Managing/Opinions Editor December 7, 2023

  Badminton and tennis are considered the same sport by the vast majority. Despite the fact that they are both played on the same court, they could not be more different. Be it playing style or...

Anna Collins is speaking to the parents of her students at Open House, Aug. 3. Collins explains the curriculum expected of the seniors in her class as well as the policies that she implements within her classroom.

C112 left empty, now occupied

Emily Buttyan, Managing/Opinions Editor August 7, 2023

Anna Collins is a new addition to the English department this 2023-24 school year. Collins is teaching on-level freshmen and seniors, which provides a gap for her when it comes to teaching styles. With...

Parents listen to Mr. Damien Tippett as he informs the parents of his sophomore students during Open House.  Most of which consists of the curriculum their students will be learning throughout the year.

Hot Take: Open House; useful or useless?

Emily Buttyan, Managing/Opinions Editor August 4, 2023

Every year teachers prepare to entertain the parents of their students for a night; answering questions, informing them of the life their children have while at school five days a week. Parents sit and...

Course Secret Menu

Emily Buttyan, Managing/Opinions Editor July 30, 2023

When signing up for classes, students are given the set list of required credits they need by the end of the year. In that list there are a variety of classes that remain unknown as they are not mentioned...

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