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The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

Clarinet player Brandon Moak, junior, practicing for Regional auditions. Auditions are structured virtually this year, due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Regional auditions look different for students in music programs

Saydria Ostler, Staff Reporter February 12, 2021

Every year, students enrolled in choir, orchestra, or band have the opportunity to audition for the AMEA Southwest Region Honor Groups. There are eight regions in Arizona, and students can audition for...

Band, choir, and orchestra students participate in Southwest Regionals

Band, choir, and orchestra students participate in Southwest Regionals

Rebecca Hoffmann and Sarah Chapple March 3, 2015

As the applause of introduction dies down, 100 choir students from a pool of 34 schools line the walkways in the McClintock High School auditorium on Saturday Feb 21, waiting for their cue to begin the...

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