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The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

Fire and lockdown drills safeguard students

Siena Handlong, Staffer February 20, 2025

School safety is a top priority, especially with the rise of dangerous circumstances in high schools. Districts have put procedures into place in order to keep students and staff on campus safe in case...

Funding is main issue regarding school safety.

Funding is the main issue regarding increase in safety

Morgan Chung, Staff Reporter March 23, 2018

In response to the Florida school shooting, parents have been questioning safety measures taken in schools across the nation. Perry is no exception. There are quite a few safety precautions taken here,...

School safety back under the microscope

Lauren Fountain, Opinions Editor March 9, 2018

The boiling point: how gun violence has become commonplace in America Apr. 20, 1999. Columbine High School in Colorado, about thirty minutes south of Denver. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris arrive at...

Where do you stand: PHS Young Republicans and Democrats Debate

Where do you stand: PHS Young Republicans and Democrats Debate

The Precedent March 8, 2018

The Precedent: Where do you stand on issues regarding the Second Amendment? Senior Sarah Martino of the Young Democrats: “I’m a full supporter of the Second Amendment: hunting rifles and small...

Routineness of safety drills in school causes complacency

Routineness of safety drills in school causes complacency

Sarah Campbell and Sarah Lankford March 4, 2016

The intercom turns on, signaling that the school is going into lockdown. Students begin evacuating their seats to go sit along the wall out of view from the door – out of sight of a potential school...

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