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The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

The student voice of Perry High School

The Precedent

Fire and lockdown drills safeguard students

Siena Handlong, Staffer February 20, 2025

School safety is a top priority, especially with the rise of dangerous circumstances in high schools. Districts have put procedures into place in order to keep students and staff on campus safe in case...

Fire drills and lock downs need planning

Fire drills and lock downs need planning

Dayna Miller, Opinion’s Editor February 10, 2015

When fire alarms ring there are two kinds of people: those who rejoice, thankful for a few minutes of break, and those who moan “Not this again! We just had a fire drill last month!” I  sympathize...

January 23 press conference with principal Dan Serrano

Isaiah Patterson, Staff Reporter January 29, 2015

Principal Dan Serrano gave a press conferecne to the Perry High newspaper staff about things happening around campus.

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