The Pom and Cheer teams are the heartbeat of school spirit. They are known throughout the valley as they have won multiple state championships and are hoping to continue their winning streak.
Tenneal Howard is the head Pom coach. Pom is a dance style that’s described as an energetic and dynamic style of dance that emphasizes precise and synchronized movements and skills. Howard says the team trains for these things, “These girls give up a lot of time, they train individually and then together as a team 5 days a week, inside and out of school.” Stating that many people underestimate the time and effort it takes to be a Pommie. Howard expresses that she thinks the general public may misunderstand pom she stated; “They make it look a lot easier than it is.”
Desiree Houg is the varsity Cheer coach. Cheer is an activity where the cheerleaders provide support for their team as a form of encouragement containing performing an intriguing routine and simultaneously engaging with the crowd. Houg said a common misconception about cheer is: “They do a lot, they practice really hard… they lift weights after school, they run, and practice their skills to make sure, and they can execute them safely.” and “While they make it look easy, it really isn’t.”
Pom and cheer competition is coming up and the teams have been working extremely hard to continue their winnings. There are many aspects that many people don’t know about these two athletic groups, and their efforts suggest that they are not to be underestimated. Houg expressed “Their schedule is very demanding, to do what we do safely, they have to practice a lot because they do a lot; we cheer at football games, basketball games, senior nights, etc. They have
to balance their time very well.” For competition this year the cheer team plans on giving their all, being safe, and having fun.
The pom and cheer competition is coming up and the teams have been working extremely hard to continue
their winning streak. Their consistent efforts suggest that they are not to be underestimated. They put in a lot of effort into their routines in order to create the award winning performances that they are known for.