Past player coaches freshman football team using experience
One of the most known players from high school to college football. D’Shayne James who would have had one of the best senior years if it wasn’t for his season ending injury.
James was one of the most valuable players who just had a bad turn which ended his season way too early. He was just doing a simple turn that he does almost every practice and he ended up injuring his ACL, MCL, IT band, and his LCL. That is the moment that he knew that it was his last time playing football for quite some time.
“I did a normal step, a normal cut and all of a sudden my knee just flew out the left side,” James said. D’Shayne still has his Iowa state commit, so he was expected to take the season off and go to college with the best come back season ever. But that’s not how it went. He ended up with and extended recovery date and isn’t even in Iowa yet. He is now the coach of the Puma’s freshman football team.
James’s knee wasn’t and still isn’t completely healed and needed more time to fully recover. So James and Iowa State made the decision to postpone his season start so that they don’t have to risk his knee getting hurt again or injuring it more. James will be going to Iowa to start college next semester and will be going to play with another extremely popular Perry football player, Brock Purdy.
James’s season is expected to start at the beginning of next semester. But in his extra time, since he isn’t at school, he is coaching the freshman football team. James, still psyched for his seasons start, he still needs a way to stay involved in the game. That’s why he is still in Arizona coaching during his extended recovery time.
But he is trying his best to stay connected with the game while he can’t play, that is the reason why he is coaching the freshman team. But he is also coaching the team so that the Pumas can have a successful future in football and keep going to state once those freshman make it to the varsity level.
During James’s injury he had some time to bond with some of the now sophomores and juniors while he just tried to help out how ever he could, “I was just there and did what I could to help out,” James said.

Kenna Cassey is a sophomore and a two year newspaper writer. She is the social media director and Copy editor for the 2019-2020 year. Her beats are sports...