Q & A with Third Basemen Kylee Hough
Kylee Hough is a senior at Perry and was recently voted
as the AzCentral player of the week after hitting two home
runs and drove in all five runs in a win over Hamilton.
She has totaled 11 home runs this season, with a batting
average of .328.
Kenna Cassey: What do you love most about softball?
Kylee Hough: I love getting to play with my friends.
KC: How do you feel going into playoffs?
KH: I feel really confident. I think we can go really far this
year, we have a good team.
KC: What has been your biggest challenge?
KH: Playing those tougher teams and having the
confidence to beat them.
KC: What are your plans for the future?
KH: I’m going to Dixie state but I don’t know if I’m going
to play softball or not. I still have no idea what I want to
study. I love the campus, I really like outdoor stuff.
KC: How is their softball program?
KH: It’s actually really good, they are moving up to D1
next year.
KC: When you were a kid what did you want to be when
you grew up?
KH: I wanted to do something with sports medicine,
because when I was in 8th grade I fractured my growth
plate and I had to get surgery.
KC: Can you talk about winning AzCentral player of the
KH: It took me for surprise, I don’t really like attention
so a lot of people talking to me about it made me kind of
uncomfortable, but I was really cool.
KC: What is your approach to the ball when you guys have
runners on base?
KH: If we have runners on base I try to hit the top-middle
of the ball. I also try an hit it to the right side.
KC: What are some memorable moments from this year?
KH: When a random guy just started to run on our field
and the cops came and had to surround him to got him off
of the field. Or the games where our coaches got thrown
KC: What is the personality of this team?
KH: They are the good balance, they can be goofballs and
get serious when
we need to be.
KC: What are
some memories
you are going to
value most after
high school?
KH: Just those
friendships I’ve
made that are
going to last

Kenna Cassey is a sophomore and a two year newspaper writer. She is the social media director and Copy editor for the 2019-2020 year. Her beats are sports...