New season begins, old legacy ends for boys basketball
As the start of a new season begins, an old legacy ends for the men’s varsity basketball team. The 2015-16 season marks the first year that a Howard brother has not been a part of the Puma basketball program.
Now all eyes are on PHS to see how they adjust to losing a teammate that in the past has been so valuable to the scoreboard. However, the real goal on every athlete’s mind this year is not how they can regain popularity and respect after the departure of Markus Howard, but how they can better not only themselves, but the brotherhood, sportsmanship and level of dedication that is Perry basketball.
Having played 6 games already this season as of Dec. 4, with wins against Cesar Chavez, Cactus Shadows, and Pinnacle, the boys stand on neutral ground at 3-3; 1-1 at home. Returning varsity guard and senior Kyle Van Haren commented simply that the goals on the team’s mind this season is to simply, “play hard and get as many wins as possible.” The team also aims to conquer Mesa on Dec. 15 at home this year, a team that has impressively won every home and away game so far. Jordan Harris, another returning varsity player for the Pumas, added that, “having good chemistry within the team,” and “playing hard defense and being intense right out of the gate” are ways that the boys will stay on top this year, game for game and shot for shot.
In addition to how the team manages working for success, players you should keep all eyes on this season are John Schlangen, Blake Williams, and Kyle Van Haren. Behind Howard, last season’s most often point maker was Van Haren, with 9.0 PPG (points per game). Following close behind him with 8.8 PPG is senior Schlangen, along with junior Williams with 2.0 PPG, who is making his way up.
Since 2012, the captain at the head of the ship of the men’s basketball team has been Coach Joe Babinski, who has been coaching men’s basketball for 13 years, entering his 14th at Perry this season. “Our main goal is to make state playoffs,” Babinski commented. “but since we’re young with experience, what we’ve talked about is just getting better everyday.” Even still, the recurring impact of Markus Howard’s departure to Findlay Prep has not left even the coach’s eyes. However, despite this major change, the idea of optimism and self-improvement is still present in Babinski. “We’ll be successful without him. We play as a team.”
As most of us stand up on the bleachers to merely just watch and cheer for the athletes striving for success and victory this year, the men’s varsity basketball team has much more to do. Not only must they work to excel as an individual on the court and as a brother on a team, but they must also overcome the memory of a past brotherhood that has engraved its name in Perry basketball for years to come. “We just wanna come out and prove everyone wrong,” Van Haren said. “that were more than just a name.”
You can come help the Pumas pave their path of success by showing support at any of their next games against Mesa at home (Dec. 15) or away at Skyline (Dec. 18).

Karson Hentges is a junior at Perry High and a first-year staff reporter at the PHS Precedent. He will be writing about boy's basketball, cross country,...