Concussions are a Big Risk for High School Athletes
Perry High School weight and training room.
Concussions leave a big impact on athletes at all levels and are one of the most common injuries among players. There are many risks that accompany any physical activity and concussions are a great threat to athletes and do not discriminate against any players based on their sport.
Athletes with concussions are not only impacted physically, but emotionally as well. One of the most common symptoms of concussions is depression. It is extremely difficult for players to halt participation in their sport while in the recovery process. Athletic trainer Joelyn Boone explained, “when you’re not playing your sport and you’re not able to be physically active, that’s depressing. You’re not with your buds or your teammates and that whole psychological impact is hard.”
These injuries are a substantial danger to player’s current state and also their future. “Concussions are a threat to me because they can not only damage my career as an athlete, but also who I am as a person,” sophomore and varsity football quarterback, Brock Purdy explained.
Due to the heightened frequency of concussions, the school’s athletic program is not cutting any corners in order to lessen the amount of these calamitous injuries.
Boone has started incorporating exercises to strengthen neck muscles in order to minimize the amount of concussions and to reduce the severity of those which do occur. “If you strengthen all four ranges [of motion in the neck], when your head gets whipped back, a stronger neck is going to lessen the impact,” Boone elaborated.
Varsity volleyball player Ryann Davis shares, “the coaches are very protective over us and how we run our practices so we all stay safe.” Although volleyball is less of a contact sport than others, the risks still run high for injuries and the teams can never be too safe.
The staff involved with the Perry athletic program are trained specially to handle concussions and treat affected players. Football coach Preston Jones stated, “all of the trainers are trained, coaches are trained, everyone is trained in signs and symptoms [of concussions].”
Concussions are an impactful and large risk of participating in any sport. This causes players to be cautious and coaching staff to take certain precautions in order to lessen the danger.

Emma Kline is a sophomore at Perry who is passionate about writing. She enjoys spending her free time watching sports with her family or listening to music....