Homecoming is a highly anticipated event for many high school students. It is a time to celebrate school spirit, get dressed up, and, dance the night away with friends. However, the timing of homecoming can vary due to the football schedule. Holding it later in the school year offers several advantages over an early celebration. A late homecoming not only gives students more time to build meaningful friendships but also benefits from nicer weather and allows the students more time to plan a successful event.
The biggest factor in deciding when homecoming will be held is the football schedule. As the name implies, the homecoming game is when the team has just played away and returned home. The timing of the game is dependent on the matchup, ideally selecting a team they think they can win against to make a more exciting experience.
One of the key reasons why a late homecoming is preferable is that it allows students more time to build friendships. At the beginning of the school year, students are still settling into the routines, getting to know new classmates, and adjusting to their courses. Hosting homecoming too early might pressure students into attending with people they barely know or feel comfortable with. By pushing the event back, students will have more time to bond with their peers, making the experience more enjoyable. This extra time also makes it easier for students to invite dates, as they have more opportunities to meet new people and form connections.
Another advantage of a late homecoming is that even in mid-to-late September, it still feels like summer, with hot temperatures. As the season progresses, the weather becomes cooler, creating a more pleasant environment for the outdoor activities that accompany homecoming, such as the carnival, parade, and spirit tent. Cooler temperatures make these events more enjoyable for everyone.
Delaying homecoming gives the Student Government more time to plan a successful and well-coordinated event. Homecoming requires attention to immense attention to detail, from organizing entertainment to decorations. By having homecoming later in the year, the student government members have more time to think through every aspect of the event, ensuring that it runs smoothly and lives up to expectations. This extra planning time could lead to more creative themes, decorations, and activities, making homecoming memorable.
No matter what time of year it is held, homecoming is a night of memories. However, by hosting it later in the year, there are several benefits as it allows students to build stronger friendships, offers better weather, and gives the student government ample time to plan an incredible event. A delayed homecoming is ultimately a more enjoyable and successful experience for everyone involved.