Midnight by Sister Souljah is a thought-provoking novel that reaches deep into the story of a young man named Midnight trying to work his way through love, identity, and the harsh realities of life.
Midnight’s story begins with his upbringing and a search for belonging and understanding, showing his growth and progression throughout life. It describes how he develops into a young man whilst living in the city of Brooklyn, struggling to come to terms with his place in society. The book dives into themes like the exploration of love: both romantic and platonic. Throughout the book, he finds his way through the balance and challenges of life.
The novel also discusses current social issues such as systemic inequality, the results of gun violence, poverty, and asylum seekers. The themes are touching and provoke readers to rethink their views and prejudices of society.
While the book is full of content, in some ways, it juggles too many plotlines at once, in some parts it seems like a character could be discussed more in-depth. Though, these small flaws do not take away from the overall emotional impact of the story. The book connects the reader with the characters and provides details.
Midnight is a unique and intriguing book that gives that feeling of resilience and self-discovery. Souljah’s ability to combine these complex characters through societal issues really puts this novel as one of America’s greatest current contributions to urban literature. Midnight offers an exhilarating and unique journey for readers. This is more than a book; it’s a reflection of African American life.