The Precedent staff attended the JEA/NSPA Fall National High School Journalism Convention in Washington, DC from Nov. 21-24. (Nadine Loureiro)
The Precedent staff attended the JEA/NSPA Fall National High School Journalism Convention in Washington, DC from Nov. 21-24.

Nadine Loureiro

Point/Counterpoint: should school trips be cancelled as a result of COVID-19?

Amidst the outbreak of the coronavirus worldwide, and spiking numbers in the United States, citizens nationwide are questioning if they should cancel or postpone their trips in these uncertain times.

April 12, 2020

Trips should not be cancelled until more information surfaces

In a world engulfed in uncertainty and turmoil surrounding the recent COVID-19 pandemic, it is fair to say that nothing can be labeled as definite anymore. 

Rather, our understanding of this virus and its impacts is one that changes every minute when new data reaches the surface, so enacting long term restrictions as a result of this pandemic may seem sensible at first glance. 

However, we must always keep in mind the true unpredictability of this virus and how nothing ought to be considered certain or definite in these ever-changing times. 

“This is a pretty volatile time, and by the time you travel, it may look different. You can’t anticipate where the cases are going to appear,” New York University professor David Abramson says. 

Although most are calling for all school trips and vacations to be cancelled or postponed as a result of COVID-19, simply cancelling events scheduled months in the future is irresponsible given the unpredictable nature of the virus. 

In addition, the stigma behind cancelling or postponing all forms of travel is highly stimulated by public fear. However, when looking at the CDC’s website, most of their travel information regards international travel. For example, the CDC notes that Americans should avoid traveling to China, Iran, the European Schengen Area, United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland. Rather, the CDC does not advise against traveling within the United States as long as certain social distancing guidelines are practiced. 

“If you do decide to travel, be sure to take steps to help prevent getting and spreading COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases during travel,” CDC concludes. 

However, the issue arises when there are no definite guidelines on dates and when we must stop heeding by this advice. Once again, this can be explained by the ever-changing times and nature of this virus. 

In addition, the public, and even doctors, are unable to receive accurate statistics on who is affected by the virus given the shortage of testing kits. This not only limits information concerning who is infected, but does not clarify if those previously infected still carry the virus or have been effectively treated. 

“We know that some U.S. communities are spreading the disease rapidly, but the full extent of its prevalence here is unknown because testing has been limited,” Christina Caron of The New York Times explains. 

Simply put, rather than cancelling all trips in the foreseeable future, we should watch the spread of COVID-19 and how travel restrictions vary in the area being traveled to. Until we are able to make definite inferences, trips should not be canceled as a result of this virus. 

Although the severity of this virus must not be undermined, we must look at our lives and future plans as ones that can change within the blink of an eye. COVID-19 is truly erratic, and we should not make any decisions that would affect the far-future as a precautionary measure due to the unprecedented nature of this time and unpredictability of this virus. 

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Trips should be cancelled for overall public safety

    Vacations are an event that everyone looks forward to, whether it be a state away or an entire country away, but in the recent event of the spreading pandemic of COVID-19, these events have been cancelled for everyone. At Perry, multiple classes on campus go on trips that they introduce the idea of at the beginning of the year. AP Biology and Environmental Science go to Catalina Island, Newspaper went to a convention in Washington, DC, the Theatre Company went to New York City. Now all of these areas are high risk zones of coronavirus.

The question is, will it be safe to go on these trips again this year with how unknown the situation currently is?

The answer to that is no, this year alone there are too many consequences that come with taking a trip, too many risks that can lead to an increase in the spreading of the pandemic and more deaths worldwide. According to, “a vaccine is at least 12 to 18 months from being available” so the only manner in which this sickness will be defeated is remaining in quarantine and performing social distancing. 

In an already troublesome year with schools and places of work closing down, traveling should be a scenario that only occurs after the coronavirus is defeated, which is still in unknown territory. It is airborne, there is only so much masks can do to prevent the spread of corona, going on a plane or on a road trip where you encounter many people, from gas station employees to pilots, it only takes a single moment to pass it along and worsen the conditions.

Currently the US is on top of the chart of most cases of COVID-19, which can be seen on, the world in total has 1,599,015 cases and counting, the amount of deaths reaching a high of 95,484. A good vacation is not worth putting more lives at risk. 

You want to be able to be comfortable while traveling, feel safety and not feel the need to constantly be on edge when you hear someone let out a cough, how can you truly reach this level if you travel this year?

The World Health Organization worked with Google to showcase five steps to prevent getting coronavirus, and the first two are “stay home as much as you can” and “keep a safe distance”. You break both of those by going on trips. This year is a testing year, where scientists and doctors work together to find the cure to stop the pandemic, and where citizens play their part by following their instructions. If the entire world stays on lockdown for this year, it is more likely that eventually the curve will flatten leading to the end of corona and you will finally be able to explore again with your friends and family.


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