Opinion On The Stress Of Finals
Finals is one of the most stressful times of the year. It’s not only stressful for students but for all the teachers as well.
Students spend their whole week jamming notes after notes to get that final semester grade they need while teachers are dreading the fact they may have to stay up until 12 a.m. just to get them graded.
At most schools kids take up to at least three finals per day.
Is that too much for kids?
According to sophomore Molly Randall three is too many. When asked, “How many finals should be taken per day?” she claimed “One because three a day is a lot of preparation which is a lot of stress.”
Studies have shown school boards are concerned that the pressure to study for three finals per day is too much.
Fellow peer sophomore, Izzy Portillo, would disagree.
“Two [finals] is just about right. ”
However, she feels the time we are given for each test is not enough. “I think they should have more time because everyone finishes at their own pace and we shouldn’t feel pressured.”
Research from PBS has shown on average, student should be studying at least 17 hours per week for finals.
Are students really going to dedicate 17 hours to prepare for finals?
Students aren’t the only overly stressed ones that are freaking out for the big day.
Teachers have to spend hours to grade every single test in each of these classes.Technology offers an easy way to scan the test, but that doesn’t beat the fact that after scanning over 100 papers they need to enter every single one into the grade book.
Teachers have a deadline and if student grades aren’t in by the time they need to be; teachers are in big trouble.
Finals are a week of pure stress and panic.
While students are pulling their hair out and teachers are frantically grabbing cups of coffee to sustain themselves through hours of grading; the school is concerned.
The question is: is it simply too much?
Students shouldn’t be taking up to three finals peer day. Not only is it hard for students but also teachers.
Finals are a necessity, a little extra time is all that’s needed.
Crista Ramos is a junior at Perry and is in the Newspaper class. She will be writing over culinary events and is a food critic. Crista likes to write about...