Phobias around campus
Everyone is scared of something, something that makes their heart race and palms sweat. For many people, that something is creepy crawlies (Entomophobia), clowns (Coulrophobia), or heights (acrophobia). These are common fears: however, there are some phobias that take it to the next level.
Some of the oddest existing phobias include the fear of bathing (Ablutophobia), the sun (Heliophobia), and beards (Pogonophobia). Also among the weirdest phobias are flowers (Anthrophobia), and staying single (Anuptaphobia). These may seem like strange things to be scared of, but to each his own. They make the hairs on the back of someone’s neck stand up.
Some brave souls on campus willingly confessed their deepest, darkest phobias including Senior Kevin Chadwick who says, “I’m scared of fights because my brothers one time threw me off a cliff into water and it scared the crap out of me.” It is likely that being thrown off a clip would make someone less inclined to join in on a brawl.
Sophomore Tyra Thompson admits that she is not fond of yellow walls, “because they’re too bright and they freak me out. I feel like I’m in a tight space.”
Senior Payton Fry’s fear of ostriches stems from a bad childhood experience, recurring experiences. “Every time I would go to the zoo as a little kid, I would go to feed the ostriches and they would attack me.” This seems like a legitimate reason to be scared of ostriches.
“I am deathly afraid of needles and spiders,” freshman Lillian Mitchell says. “Whenever I got to the doctor I freak out when they bring the needle over, and spider. They’re just disgusting,”
There are some pretty unusual phobias around campus but senior Raevin Richardson’s tops the cake. “I have Tokophobia,” she says. “It’s a fear of pregnancies. One day I saw all these like pregnant ladies and I was literally having a full-on panic attack. I don’t even know why, I started crying and my hands started sweating. Every time I see a pregnant person, I have a mini panic attack.”

Michelle is a senior at Perry High School. Her favorite colors are navy blue and purple, she loves grilled-cheese sandwiches and her favorite day of the...